More People Opting for Surgery to Stay Competitive in Their Career
The number of people receiving some form of cosmetic surgery, invasive or non-invasive, continues to rise. While this can be contributed to many factors, including insurance coverage for some procedures, price and availability, studies suggest individuals may use these procedures...
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What Factors are Fueling the Plastic Surgery Industry
It is rare to find someone who is truly satisfied with their self appearance, and because of this people are constantly searching for the best and quickest self improvement method. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons has reported that plastic surgery procedures have increase...
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How Many Plastic Surgeries Occurred in 2012?
As medical technology becomes more advanced, and cultural trends shift, so do the trends in plastic surgery. While there were 14.6 million cosmetic surgeries in 2012, and this was an increase from 2011, the procedures patients are choosing to get have shifted quite a bit, as well...
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Surprising Data from a Recent Plastic Surgery Survey
While once the province of only the physically disabled and victims of disfiguring trauma, cosmetic surgery is now extremely common among people who simply don't like the way they look. Plastic surgery has become a huge portion of the medical industry in many developed coun...
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One Video Discusses the Rise of Plastic Surgery in South Korea
If you haven't heard of the K-pop Effect it is taking some Asian countries by storm. South Korea has seen a drastic increase in plastic surgery that causes pop stars to look a bit more Western. More and more Koreans are opting to reduce cheekbones and make their eyes larger...
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Plastic Surgery Then & Now [infographic]
The plastic surgery industry has grown leaps and bounds in the short time it has been in the spot light. The folks over The Victorian Cosmetic Institute put this infographic piece together showcasing how the plastic surgery industry has evolved...
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Some Interesting Data on Anti-Aging Cosmetic Procedures
More and more people are investing time and resource into their appearance for many different reasons. The anti-aging industry has grown into an immense market and this infographic from The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery showcases some of the interesting data in t...
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Botox and Fillers Really Drive U.S. Plastic Surgery Growth
The plastic surgery industry has experienced a significant boom recently. The cause of this is the popularity of Botox and facial fillers. These anti-aging procedures have become the driving force behind the growth of plastic surgery in the United States and are predicted to cont...
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Anti-Aging Gene Identified
Image Source: Flickr Creative Commons - Jan TikHumans have been searching for a fountain of youth for centuries. Without this mystical anti-aging fluid, turning to specialized cosmetic procedures and products has become a common response to aging. While a mythological sourc...
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The Latest Growing Trend in Plastic Surgery – Mother Daughter Treatments
Mothers and daughters have been known throughout history to have extremely complex relationships. They often like to hang out together and do a number of different activities together such as shopping, jogging, sewing, playing cards, cooking, hiking, gardening and even cosmetic s...
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