How to reduce scarring after surgery is often times simple you just have to following the doctor’s instructions very closely and follow the outlined plan. It is when you start to sway from those directions do recoveries and healing take much longer.
Try following these simple steps in order to reduce scarring after surgery:
No Cigarettes & Alcohol
We understand that this can be very difficult for some but it doesn’t make it ok to keep smoking during your recovery process especially if you had facial plastic surgery completed. What people do not realize that is that good
blood circulation around the affected area is vital to slow down scarring and cigarettes and alcohol tend to dehydrate the body and the skin causing a slowdown in blood circulation.
Eat A Balanced Diet
Drink plenty of fluids and eat nice healthy clean foods that will not condone greasy skin especially if you are recovering from a facial surgery. Try eating a good amount of protein to help the body increase tissue regeneration.
Listen To The Doctor
The doctor knows best so you really have to be able to listen to their specific instructions on how you should maintain your body after any surgery procedure. If they say stay in bed that doesn’t mean to try an exhaust yourself at the gym.
Avoid The Sun
This goes for tanning beds as well! Stay out of the sun and any tanning beds because you will increase your amount of scar tissue decrease the healing process making your incision line much more visible.
Vitamin E & Onion Extract
Most doctors will give you some sort of ointment to put on the area where your surgical procedure is located but if you don’t have anything try putting vitamin E or onion extract on. Both items have great scar reducing ingredients that will help slow down any scar tissue growth on your body.
Listen to your doctor and try to follow their recovery instructions very closely. When you start to avoid following these steps is when you can find yourself running into complications with your surgery.