Do you have excess fat under your chin? Do you wish you could improve your profile without surgery? Then, double chin fat freezing in Boston or Kybella treatments may be the answer for you.
What is Kybella?
The Spiegel Center was of very first practices to offer Kybella in Boston, an injectable solution that targets and removes chin and neck fat! The procedure takes only a few minutes and you can return back to your regular life activities immediately following your visit.
The active ingredient help dissolve fat naturally. Upon injection, the medicine attacks the fat to break it up and the body then absorbs and flushes the fat away. Some swelling may be noticeable for a little while following Kybella treatment but should resolve quickly and the procedure result becomes noticeable after just a few weeks! The number of treatments you need depends upon how much fat you want to eliminate. This is a great nonsurgical office-based way to reduce stubborn fat pockets under your neck, those annoying bra fat bulges, and more.