A new kid on the block by the name of Dysport has been making headlines as an alternative to the very popular Botox. Earlier this year Medicis, the maker if Dysport announced a patient challenge where 100,000 patients registered for in order to try out the new product. The challenge consisted of a number of patients trying out the product and providing their feed back on the product whether they liked it or not. The patients where then given rebates and vouchers three months after the treatment in order to try out Dysport for a second time and an astonishing amount of patients returned to receive a second treatment.
According to American Health & Beauty:
“Medicis previously announced that of 53,840 patients who took the Dysport Challenge between March 1 and May 9, 2010, 91.2% of the patients who made a selection chose “Love It.” As of May 25 due to continued overwhelming response, only patients choosing “Leave It” are required to make a selection. To date, 2.6% of all patients who have registered have made a selection to “Leave It” since the program was launched”.
The challenge is now over but the results are very appealing not only to Medicis but also the medical and consumer community surrouding the facial aesthetic industry. Dysport could be the dermal filler of choice that allows Botox to take a back seat in the facial cosmetic industry.