They say eyes are the windows to the soul, but in many ways it is the eyebrows that convey who we are. By seeing your eyebrows a person gets information regarding your age, gender, emotion, and identity. Covering the eyebrows are a good way of hiding who you are, which is why Batman and Catwoman, among others, wear masks that covers the eyebrows while leaving the eyes open.
Getting perfect eyebrows (eyebrows “on fleek”) can be achieved many ways. In addition to waxing, shaping, and threading, if you need darker and fuller lashes you may opt for microblading or permanent cosmetic tattooing. However, for more permanent and natural results a visit to the facial plastic surgeon is best.
We can raise and shape eyebrows using Botox, and this temporary correction is a great way to soften lines and temporarily shape the brows. For even more permanent correction we can do an accutite browlift where energy is put under the skin to tighten and lift the forehead giving you a better brow shape. This procedure is done in the office and there are no stitches involved.
We also offer small incision endoscopic browlift, temporal browlift (fox eyes anyone?), hairline lowering browlift, hidden incision brow lift, thread-lift browlift, direct browlift, browlift through a blepharoplasty (eyelid incision), and coronal (open) browlift. It’s likely that we do more browlift surgery than anywhere else.
Your eyebrows tell people who you are and how you are feeling. Brow lift can help you send the right message, and you’ve got loads of options for how to do it.