

How to Get Rid of Those Brown Spots on Your Face

Image Source: Flickr/tommerton2010In most cases, women are the ones who suffer most from brown spots on their faces. This is often a direct result of hormonal changes which can occur during menopause or pregnancy and in some cases; it can even be caused by using certain birth con...

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5 Tips to Look Better in Your Facebook Photos

Facebook has become one of the most popular platforms in the world for sharing photos with family and friends. Although many people look great in photos, there are those who lack the confidence to appear in front of a camera lens or who simply don't photograph as well as ot...

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5 Ways to Reduce Wrinkles

Image Source: Flickr/erix!As people age, the skin on their face tends to lose its elasticity, which can result in wrinkles appearing in many different areas. Other factors that cause wrinkles include exposure to environmental toxins, stress, general aging, sickness and repeated m...

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5 Reasons Why Your Gauged Earlobes Need Repair

Image Source: Flickr/Chey RawhoofIf you've ever had gauges put in your earlobes, you are already aware of the fact that this permanently stretches them. Plastic surgery is required to correct this situation and there are a variety of reasons to consider having it done.Out...

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4 Treatments to Give Yourself a New Look for the Holidays

Image Source: Flickr/Moyan_BrennA couple of major holidays are coming up, which means there will be lots of festive parties to attend. Since you'll want to be looking your best, now is the time to consider a few beauty treatments so you’ll be ready for the Christmas s...

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3 Non-Surgical Treatments to Have Before Your Wedding Day

With all the preparation that a wedding day entails it's difficult to think about you. However, with a simple office visit, a bride or groom-to-be can go from looking drab to fab in minutes! Don’t be scared, this isn’t surgery. By simply having a consultation an...

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One 24 Year Old Explains Why She Got Botox

In a recent article on the Stylist one young women, Danielle Dunsmuir decided to receive preventative Botox injections at the age of 24. We know what some of you might be thinking when you read this, is 24 too young? To answer this question properly you have to realize that the a...

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Gauged Earlobe Reconstruction

Do you wear heavy earrings? Are you someone who had their earlobes stretched as a trend and now regret it? Stretched earlobes are a growing concern among patients and there can be several reasons why the earlobes were stretched. However, this is type of reconstruction is as easy...

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3 Fun Do-it yourself Summer Facials

Summer Time is almost here and for those of you who don't always have time for a day at the spa below are some great facials that you can give yourself at home with common household items and foods. For tired, puffy eyes: While you’re making your morning tea make su...

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Dr. Spiegel Discusses How to Take the Right Facebook Photos

Facebook is a hot place to showcase those good looks but have you ever stopped to think about the quality of your photo? Recently Dr. Spiegel was featured on Future Derm discussing how to take the right Facebook photo to really showcase your features.Dr. Spiegel gave 8 ways to ta...

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