

A Patients Perspective On Dysport Vs. Botox

We recently interviewed a patient who has received Botox treatments through our practice on numerous occasions and has recently tried the new alternative on the market Dysport. I think it is important to really get the opinion of the end user and how they feel about the new produ...

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5 Ways To Help Reduce Pimple Scars

You see them all the time they are those left over areas where pimples might have been visible on a person face at one point but are now gone. These pimple scars can be a very embarrassing and traumatizing to a person depending on how severe the scars appear. There are some ways...

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Botox Loosing Traction To Dysport?

A new kid on the block by the name of Dysport has been making headlines as an alternative to the very popular Botox. Earlier this year Medicis, the maker if Dysport announced a patient challenge where 100,000 patients registered for in order to try out the new product. The challe...

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Watch The Neova Skin Care Segment On The Doctors TV Show

Neova Skincare products where recently featured on The Doctors TV show showcasing their powerful anti-aging skincare products for individuals of all ages. A test subject used the product for 2 weeks straight and had significant positive results on their hands reducing aged brown...

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The Risk Of Using An Uncertified Plastic Surgeon

There are many surgeons out there in society practicing with variety of different types of surgeries where they are not licensed or certified to conduct those procedures leaving the patient and community in serious danger. If you are thinking about going through a cosmetic surger...

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Unemployment Causing Older Men To Turn To Botox

The unemployment rate in today's country is really taking a toll on a specific demographic of people that are hunting and looking for work on a regular basis. Older men are in serious competition with younger professionals willing to work for less just to get a job. More an...

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Skin Rejuvenation Diet Tips

Many of us strive for a healthy young looking skin and some of us spend our entire lifetime chasing after that youthful look and feel sometimes missing out on one of the most important factors in achieving this…your diet. Having a healthy diet can work wonders on the skin...

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Benefits Of Facial Plastic Surgery

There are many critics out there present for every industry and the plastic surgery industry has no shortage of critics whatsoever. It is like any other industry where some bad apples do exist and there is nothing anyone will ever be able to do anything about it. Howeve...

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Botox Injection Aftercare Instructions

If you have recently gone through a Botox injection and are not sure what to do next you are in luck because we have outlined a series of steps you can take in order to make sure your Botox is fully maximized. If you want the most optimal results from your Botox treatment you are...

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5 Habits That Make Your Skin Age Quicker

We all want to look young and beautiful but what many people don't realize is that some of their everyday habits are actually speeding up their aging process of their skin. From week to week you might not notice but trust me one day you will wake up and look at your skin an...

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